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Welcome! Thank you for using Human Profile!

When you use the Human Profile, you trust us with your data and information. We are committed to maintaining that trust. Accordingly, this Privacy Policy (“Policy”) explains in a clear and accessible manner how your information and data will be collected, used, stored and shared through our systems.
The Human Profile website and/or other applications may contain links to other Internet sites that are not owned by Human Profile. Consequently, Human Profile shall not be responsible for the actions of such Internet sites, to which these Privacy Policies shall not apply. Human Profile recommends examining the detailed privacy policy of these Internet sites to understand the procedures used for the collection of information and the protection of personal data.

This Policy is divided as follows to make it easier to understand:

  1. What information does Human Profile collect?
  2. How Human Profile uses the information collected
  3. How, when and with whom Human Profile shares your information
  4. What rights you have over the information we collect
  5. How Human Profile protects your information
  6. Updates to this privacy policy
  7. Applicable law This document should be read in conjunction with our Terms of Use, which contains an overview of our platform. If you have any questions or need to address any issues related to this Policy, please contact our data team at contact@humanprofile.pt.


  • Registration data. When you register with Human Profile, you can send us personal information such as your name, e-mail address, telephone number and personal information that you may include in your communications with us.
  • Personal Data of Minors. In accordance with our Terms of Use, Human Profile is only permitted to persons with legal capacity to contract, exercise rights and/or assume obligations, in accordance with Brazilian law, and not to persons who are minors or otherwise prohibited from practicing legal acts, exercising rights and/or assuming obligations. PERSONS UNDER THE AGE OF EIGHTEEN (18) AND/OR WHO DO NOT HAVE THE LEGAL CAPACITY TO CONTRACT, EXERCISE RIGHTS AND/OR ASSUME OBLIGATIONS ARE NOT AUTHORIZED TO ENTER AND/OR ACCESS THE HUMAN PROFILE SERVICES, NOR PROVIDE PERSONAL DATA OR OTHER INFORMATION WITHOUT THE PRIOR, SPECIFIC, AND PROMINENT CONSENT GIVEN BY AT LEAST ONE PARENT OR LEGAL GUARDIAN. In addition, we may require you to send a legible copy of personal documents proving the above information.
  • Connection via third-party services. When you connect or log in with third-party services (e.g. Facebook, Google, Twitter), we may collect the data you provide to us through these services, such as name, e-mail address, profile description, profile picture and cookies. In this case, we respect your privacy settings and will ask for permission to collect such data.
  • Authentication information. In order to provide you with a secure environment, we may ask you to provide us with identification information (e.g. photo ID and proof of residence or business domicile) or other authentication information (e.g. via SMS or e-mail).

1.1. Information generated when you use our services. We collect the following generated information:

  • Access logs. Human Profile automatically collects application access logs, which include the IP address, with date and time, used to access Human Profile. This data is required to be collected in accordance with current laws, but will only be provided to third parties with your express authorization or by means of a legal claim.
  • Usage data. We collect information about your interactions on the Human Profile, such as your browsing, the pages or other content you access or create, your searches, participation in surveys and other actions.
  • Location data from the connected device. We collect location data, which is collected via your equipment or connected device, if you authorize it. Your authorization to share your location can be revoked at any time. However, this may disable some of the platform’s features.
  • Device characteristics. Like most applications, in order to work Human Profile automatically collects data on the characteristics of your device, including its operating system, its version, hardware information, language, internet signal and battery.
  • Communications with Human Profile. When you communicate with Human Profile, we collect information about your communication, including metadata such as the date, IP address and time of communications and all their content, as well as any information you choose to provide.
  • Interactions with other users. When you communicate with other Human Profile users we collect information about your communication, including metadata such as the date, IP address and time of communications and all their content, as well as any information you choose to provide. We also collect information about the confirmation of a sale made.
  • Cookies and similar technologies. We use cookies, which are text files generated and stored on your browser or device by websites, applications and online advertisements. A cookie file usually contains the domain name from which the cookie was downloaded, the creation date and an identification code. The only personal information that a cookie can contain is information that the user himself provides with his Internet browsing, such as the IP address, the pages visited and in what order, the length of time spent on each page, the date and time, etc. THE USER ACKNOWLEDGES AND ACCEPTS THAT HUMAN PROFILE USES COOKIES TO PROVIDE A BETTER SERVICE BY REMEMBERING THEIR PREFERENCES. The information collected may include browsing behavior, IP address, devices and other types of information. Remember that you can choose not to accept cookies in your browser settings, in the cookie preferences. But without them, we warn you that the functionality of the services offered on our website may be affected.

1.2. Information from other sources. This can include:
Information from other users. Other Human Profile users may produce information about you, such as referrals, ratings or comments.
Data collected from other platforms. Human Profile may interact with other platforms and services, such as Facebook, Google and Twitter. Some of these services may provide us with information about you, which we collect in order to provide you with a better experience and increasingly improve our services and offer you new features.

1.3. Users guarantee and take responsibility, in any case and at any time, for the veracity, accuracy, validity and authenticity of the personal data provided and undertake to keep them duly updated so that they remain complete, accurate and truthful, by updating their data registered in the Human Profile. Personal data is any information relating to an identified or identifiable natural person.
2. HOW WE USE YOUR INFORMATION Remember, we value your privacy very highly. Therefore, all data and information about you is treated as confidential, and we will only use it for the purposes described here and authorized by you, mainly so that you can make full use of the Human Profile, always aiming to improve your user experience.
2.1. Authorized uses In this way, we can use your data to:

  • Allow you to access and use all the features of the Human Profile;
  • Send you messages regarding support or service, such as alerts, notifications and updates;
  • Send you personalized offers;
  • To communicate with you about products, services, promotions, news, updates, events and other matters that may interest you;
  • Analyze user traffic in our applications;
  • Target advertising according to your tastes, interests and other information collected;
  • Personalize the service to suit your tastes and interests;
  • Creating services, products and functionalities;
  • Detection and prevention of fraud, spam and security incidents;
  • Verify or authenticate the information you provide, including by comparing it to data collected from other sources, provided through consultation with public entities, specialized companies or risk centers;
  • Better understand user behavior and build behavioral profiles;
  • For any purpose that you authorize at the time of data collection;
  • To provide users’ personal information to entities that work in conflict resolution, such as competent courts;
  • Comply with legal obligations and obligations agreed with Human Profile’s clients and suppliers;
  • The information provided by buyers in the register is used to contact sellers. The information provided by buyers when making a purchase is shared with the seller in order to complete the deal.

Occasionally, we may use data for purposes not provided for in this privacy policy, but these will be within your legitimate expectations. Any use of your data for purposes that do not comply with this prerogative will be made with your prior authorization.
2.2. Deletion of data. All data collected will be deleted from our servers when you request it, by a free and easy procedure, or when it is no longer necessary or relevant for us to offer you our services, unless there is any other reason for keeping it, such as compliance with a legal or regulatory obligation by Human Profile, study by a research body (guaranteeing, whenever possible, the anonymization of personal data), transfer to a third party, provided that the data processing requirements set out in the LGPD are respected, or for the exclusive use of Human Profile, where access by a third party is prohibited, and provided that the data is anonymized. To request the deletion of your data from our database, simply send an e-mail to contact@humanprofile.pt.      
2.3. Monitoring.
Human Profile reserves the right to monitor the entire platform, primarily to ensure that the rules described in our Terms of Use are being observed, or that there is no violation or abuse of applicable laws.      
2.4. User exclusion.
Human Profile reserves the right to exclude a particular user, regardless of the type of user, if this Policy or the Terms of Use are not respected. As we value a good relationship with users, we recognize that they have the right to seek to understand the reasons and even contest them, which can be done by sending an e-mail to contact@humanprofile.pt.
3. INFORMATION SHARING Human Profile may share the data collected through its platform: (i) with its clients and partners when necessary and/or appropriate for the provision of related services; (ii) when necessary for Human Profile’s commercial activities, such as for the purpose of receiving payments for plans purchased on Human Profile; (iii) for the protection of Human Profile’s interests in any type of conflict, including lawsuits; (iv) in the event of transactions and corporate changes involving Human Profile, in which case the transfer of information will be necessary for the continuity of Human Profile; and/or (v) by court order or at the request of administrative authorities that have legal competence to request it. Human Profile shares user data with each other, in particular between buyer users (identification data and address) and seller users, so that the act and/or process of purchase is perfected. YOU HEREBY EXPRESSLY AUTHORIZE SUCH SHARING. Human Profile allows other companies and ad networks to advertise on our platform using different technologies. Therefore, you may receive ads, content and links directly on your application that are displayed in a personalized way, according to your interests and behaviors on our platform or on other services with which you interact. To this end, data may be shared between Human Profile and these other companies, mainly unique identifiers, IP addresses, cookies and Java scripts, which may be used to measure the effectiveness of online advertising. YOU HEREBY EXPRESSLY AUTHORIZE SUCH SHARING. However, Human Profile is not responsible for the actions, advertisements and content generated by our business partners and ad networks, and this Policy does not apply to them, as Human Profile does not control them. We suggest that you access and read the privacy policies of the companies with which you may interact. All data, information and content about you may be considered assets in the event of negotiations in which Human Profile is involved. We therefore reserve the right, for example, to include your data among the company’s assets if it is sold, acquired or merged with another company. YOU HEREBY AGREE AND ARE AWARE OF THIS POSSIBILITY. Human Profile reserves the right to provide your data and information about you, including your interactions, if requested to do so by a court of law, for an act necessary for the company to comply with national laws, or if you expressly authorize it.
4. OWNERS’ RIGHTS You can always choose not to disclose your data to us, but bear in mind that some of this data may be necessary to use the functionalities of our applications. Regardless, you will always have rights regarding the privacy and protection of your personal data. Therefore, below we summarize all the rights you have under Brazilian sectoral data protection laws and the General Data Protection Law (“LGPD”), which are:      
4.1. Right of access.
This right allows you to request and receive a copy of the personal data we hold about you.      
4.2. Right of correction.
This right allows you, at any time, to request the correction and/or rectification of your personal data if you identify that some of it is incorrect.      
4.3. Right of confirmation.
You can confirm whether Human Profile processes any of your personal data.      
4.4. Right to information.
You can request that Human Profile inform you with which third parties it has shared or received your personal data. In addition, if your consent is required to access or use a particular service, you can ask Human Profile to clarify whether it is possible to provide that service without your consent to the processing of your personal data, or what the consequences are of not providing consent in this case.
4.5. Right to object to processing. You also have the right to object to where and in what context we are processing your personal data for different purposes. In certain situations, we can demonstrate that we have legitimate reasons for processing your data, which override your rights, if, for example, they are essential for the provision of our applications.
4.6. Right to request anonymization, blocking or deletion. This right allows you to request the anonymization, blocking or deletion of data that is unnecessary, excessive or processed in a way that does not comply with the purposes set out in this Policy, in compliance with other legal regulations.      
4.7. Right to withdraw your consent.
You have the right to withdraw your consent in relation to the terms of this Privacy Policy. However, this will not affect the lawfulness of any processing carried out previously. If you withdraw your consent, we may not be able to provide certain services.      
4.8. Right to portability.
We will provide you, or third parties you have chosen, with your personal data in a structured and interoperable format.      
4.9. Right to erasure.
This right allows you to ask us to delete the personal data we hold about you. To exercise your right to erasure, please see section 2.2 of this Privacy Policy.      
4.10. Right to review automated decisions.
You also have the right to request a review of decisions made solely on the basis of automated processing of your personal data that affect your interests, including decisions aimed at defining personal, professional, consumer and credit profiles and/or aspects of your personality. We may need to request specific information from you to help us confirm your identity and guarantee your right to access your personal data (or to exercise your other rights). This is a security measure to ensure that personal data is not disclosed to anyone who is not entitled to receive it. We may also contact you for further information in relation to your request in order to speed up our response. We try to respond to all legitimate requests within 5 working days. Occasionally, it may take longer than 5 working days if your request is particularly complex or if you have made several requests. In this case, we will communicate with you and keep you updated on the progress of your request. If you have any questions about these issues and how you can exercise these rights, please feel free to contact us at contact@humanprofile.pt. Human Profile must immediately inform the processing agents with whom it has shared data of the correction, deletion, anonymization or blocking of the data, so that they can repeat the same procedure, except in cases where this communication is demonstrably impossible or involves a disproportionate effort.
5. INFORMATION SECURITY The information provided by Human Profile users will be stored by Human Profile on its own servers or on servers it has contracted nationally or internationally. All Personal Data will be stored in the database maintained “in the cloud” by the service providers contracted by Human Profile, which are duly compliant with current data legislation. All your data is confidential and only people with the appropriate authorizations will have access to it. Any use of this data will be in accordance with this Policy. Human Profile will make all reasonable commercial efforts to ensure the security of our systems and your data. Our servers are located in different locations to ensure stability and security, and can only be accessed through previously authorized communication channels. Human Profile is not responsible for illegal interception or violation of its systems or databases by unauthorized persons. Human Profile is also not responsible for the inappropriate use of information obtained by these means. All your information will, where possible, be encrypted if this does not make it impossible to use it on the platform. You can request a copy of your data stored in our systems at any time. We will only keep data and information until it is necessary or relevant for the purposes described in this Policy, or in the case of periods predetermined by law, or until it is necessary to maintain Human Profile’s legitimate interests. Human Profile considers your privacy to be extremely important and will do everything in its power to protect it. However, we cannot guarantee that all data and information about you on our platform will be free from unauthorized access, especially if the credentials required to access our platform are shared improperly. Therefore, you are solely responsible for keeping your access password in a safe place and are prohibited from sharing it with third parties. You undertake to notify Human Profile immediately by secure means of any unauthorized use of your account, as well as any unauthorized access to it by third parties.
7. PRIVACY POLICY UPDATES You acknowledge that Human Profile may, at any time and in its sole discretion, modify this Privacy Policy. When we make changes to this Privacy Policy, we will provide the user with a description of the substantial changes made via the e-mail address provided at the time of registration or via a prominent notice on the Human Profile homepage. Alternatively, upon your first access after the implementation of the modified version of the Privacy Policy, we may also require a new declaration regarding your acceptance of the new version of the Privacy Policy. Your continued use of the Site following the implementation of the changes will be deemed to be your acceptance of the changes.
8. APPLICABLE LAW This document shall be interpreted in accordance with the applicable European laws. In the event of any dispute arising from this document, the parties agree to submit to the exclusive jurisdiction of the competent courts of the European Union.

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