Smart Applications Store

How can you get the best out of our smart applications?


Human Profile Applications are used in business contexts to improve understanding of team dynamics, communication and make recruitment decisions based on candidates’ personality preferences.

They are intelligent, easy-to-use and highly effective tools for recruiting and selecting professionals.

Our applications contribute directly and significantly to discovering talent, reducing “misplaced professionals” and the dreaded “Turnover”, “conflicting repositions”, stimulating and valuing people, and identifying ideal profiles for positions and functions.


Thinking about joining us?

Try our Smart Applications! Sign up now and get a 100% OFF voucher.

To acquire and use your Smart Applications, organize your goals by following the 3 steps below:

#1 Profile Mapping

Buy Profile packages to send invitations and build your Profile Base! With a structured base, you’ll be able to create JOB’s and apply FILTER’s to find candidates compatible with the jobs available.

#2 Job Construction

To create a JOB you need to have at least 3 (three) profiles aligned with the vacancy /activity /position in your database. For more information and guidance, go to: My Account/My Applications and choose JOB.

#3 Selection Filter

FILTERS are used to “search” for candidates who are compatible and aligned with a vacancy /activity /position, defined in each JOB created. Your Profiles database must contain several candidate profiles so that the system can carry out this search and selection. For more information and guidance, go to: My Account/My Applications and select FILTER.

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